Branding with Color

One great way to separate yourself from the thousands of messages your clients receive on a daily basis is by branding your company with a custom color. Coke red, Home Depot orange and UPS brown are excellent examples of branding your look with a color. These companies put great emphasis on protecting their look (ie color) and in most cases will not allow the color to be run in a CMYK build. This is where the Pantone Matching System can ensure that the color you pick can be reproduced with consistency over and over. By running these colors in a 5th or 6th color you can replicate the color from project to project even if they are months apart.
BPI Media Group has taken this concept a step further by investing in a computerized Pantone mixing Dispenser that will allow us to mix your PMS inks in house while ensuring accuracy over and over. We can also mix custom PMS colors that will set you apart from your competitors. We can scan almost anything (plastic, painted metal, etc) and create a PMS color to match. Allowing you to match the products you create with the printed pieces you use in your marketing efforts. To learn more about this new service feel free to contact me or your BPI Media Representative.