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Don’t Skimp On Print ( Here’s Why)

Tempted to shift marketing dollars to electronic media because it is less expensive? Think before you switch. While electronic media, including email, can be an important part of the mix, print remains the bedrock of an effective long-term campaign. Let’s look at five reasons you can’t afford to skimp on print.   Cut through the…
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Timing Is Everything.

Thinking Direct Mail? Think Timing When we think about the benefits of direct mail, we think of tangibility, message retention, and breaking through the clutter. But when GrayHair Software thinks about direct mail, it thinks about timing. In a recent e-book, GrayHair, which provides software for postal tracking and multi-channel marketing services, described multiple benefits…
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Written By A Real Person, For A Real Person.

Does Your Marketing Content Sound Human?              Whether you are writing text for direct mail, email, blog posts, or any other type of marketing material, ask yourself, “Does my content sound human? Does it sound like something a person might actually want to read?” When competition is fierce, it’s tempting to throw in every feature and…
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Full Palette Of Color

What Dictates the Meaning of Color? When designing marketing materials, whether print or online, do you fall prey to the temptation to rely on traditional meanings for color? If it’s a luxury product, you use black. To bring excitement, you use red. If it’s a premium product, it must be gold. While we do tend…
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More Reasons to Love Color.

We all know the value of color images in your marketing mix, but what about the messaging? Study after study shows that when messages are in color, they have a powerful impact on your bottom line. Among the benefits: Helping readers find information more easily (great for insurance policies, contracts, and other lengthy documents) Reducing…
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Snatch Customers Before Your Competitors Do!

Investing in direct mail for customer acquisition? Your competitors are! As their efforts become more proactive and strategic, how do you plan to attract those same customers before your competitors do? Here are three proven strategies for grabbing attention in the mailbox. Use dimensional mail. In a stack of envelopes, a padded envelope, a package,…
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Print Bests Digital for Driving Purchases

Want proof that print drives sales? Just ask the researchers at Temple University, who found that print has more impact than digital when it comes to increasing reader engagement, recall, and ultimately, purchases. The study was sponsored by the Postal Service Inspector General’s office (OIG) in conjunction with Temple’s Center for Neural Decision Making. The…
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The Summertime Marketing Opportunity

Have you ever noticed that your mailbox gets emptier in the summer? That retail POP displays don’t turn as frequently? As the weather heats up, marketing typically slows down. The good news is, as your competitors take a break from marketing, this opens a window of opportunity for you. Summer is an excellent time to…
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9 Tips to Increase Snail Mail Open Rates

Even the best written sales letter will be ineffective if it’s never read. This is why the envelope can be the key determining whether your direct mail gets opened or tossed. Here are some ideas for making your envelopes more enticing: Oversize it. Anything outside of the standard #10 envelope will set your piece apart. Make…
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Fonts Set a Tone & Shape a Story

Good typography equals good communication. We have thousands of typefaces to choose from. What does your choice of typography say about you? Historically, typographers designed almost all of the classic fonts for specific purposes. Let’s look at the history of some of our favorite fonts. Venetian book printer Aldus Manutius invented italic type not because…
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