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Why Aren’t Businesses Taking Advantage of Personalization?

We all know that personalization drives results, but what do consumers really want? And does personalization impact all consumers equally?  According to InfoTrends, consumers respond strongly to personalized mail. The research firm found that 84% of consumers say that personalization makes them “much more likely” or “somewhat more likely” to open mail. Yet businesses are…
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Got Leave-Behinds? Here Are Three “Must Haves”

When you conclude any important sales meeting, you want to leave more than a good impression. You want to leave behind materials that will continue to sell your company and your products long after you’re gone. Let’s look at three great leave-behinds to leave behind.  1. Sales brochures  Brochures are vital leave-behinds because they continue…
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Be Your Customer’s First Choice  

When it comes to interactions, consumers hold power in their hands. They choose what content they want to see, when they want to see it, and what channels they want to engage with. That’s why successful companies do more than simply build their brands. They motivate their customers to choose them—to choose to engage. How…
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5 Tips for Creating a Strong Brand

There are many ways to engage your audience, raise your company’s visibility, and define your brand in the marketplace. From drip marketing to event planning to strategic direct mail campaigns, you have many tools at your disposal. Regardless of which tools you use, here are five tips to keep in mind:  1. Plan your timing…
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Have Lapsed Customers? Win Them Back!

Every business loses customers, but just because customers stop purchasing from you doesn’t mean that they are gone forever. You can win them back! You just need a plan. Here are five tips for re-engaging lapsed customers.  1. Define “lapsed” customers.  At what point do you consider a customer to have lapsed? This will vary…
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Personalized Print Is Not Only Effective, It’s Sustainable!

As marketers, we love personalized printing. It offers a lower cost per lead. It also results in higher per order values and increased ROI. But there is another (often overlooked) benefit of personalization, too. It improves sustainability. Is personalized marketing more sustainable? Yes! Here’s why: It tends to be more targeted and focused. This means…
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Tapping the Unique Characteristics of Print

When it comes to marketing, no channel reigns supreme. Every channel has its strengths and weaknesses, and part of creating relevance is capitalizing on the strengths of each one. For example, email is powerful for flash sales and quick updates, while print has a beauty, longevity, and stopping power that digital channels can’t replicate. Here…
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Got Metrics? Choose Your Best Option

Are you measuring the success of your marketing campaigns? No matter how beautiful the design or snappy the copy, what is most important is that it gets results. But what does success even look like? “Success” can be defined in many ways. Let’s look at five of the most common ways to determine whether your…
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Best Practices for Great Data

When it comes to marketing, one channel doesn’t reign supreme. All channels work together, and the foundation beneath them is data. Data helps you create relevance, whether you are sending print or email, and is what ties the two channels together. Gather as much data about your audience as possible, regardless of channel, and this…
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Grab Reader Attention by Knowing the “Hot Spots”

Did you know that people don’t read their direct mail randomly? There is a flow to where their eyes naturally go, and their eyes land on specific areas of the envelope or letter before others. These places are called “hot spots.” Once you know them, you can reap huge benefits by using that knowledge to…
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