Tag: marketing

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Staying Top of Mind with Customers: Strategies for Lasting Engagement

In a world brimming with choices, staying top of mind with customers is a coveted position. It means your brand is the first one they think of when they have a need or desire. But how do you get top of mind? Let’s look at four ways to get (and stay) in this coveted position.…
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5 Tips for Getting Direct Mail Personalization Right

You are making a calculated investment in personalized direct mail, so you want to maximize that investment. Adhering to best practices can distinguish between good and great campaigns. Let’s look at five best practices for personalized direct mail that you should use in your campaigns. Focus! Before sending out your next direct mail campaign, take…
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Why Prioritize Customer Loyalty in Direct Mail Marketing? 3 Reasons

In a world where acquiring new customers often takes center stage, it’s easy to overlook the immense value that loyal customers bring. Customer loyalty is not just a buzzword. It’s a goldmine of opportunity. Let’s explore three compelling reasons why you should care about customer loyalty and how marketing to existing customers can be more…
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5 Ways to Build Your Mailing List

Direct mail marketing remains a powerful and effective way to reach potential customers, especially when combined with digital strategies. But lists don’t build themselves out of thin air. You have to make them! How do you do that? Let’s look at five proven techniques to take your existing list, improve it, and boost your results.…
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Planning an Event? You Need These 7 Tools

Are you planning an event? To maximize attendance, you need a comprehensive multichannel strategy incorporating various marketing tools. Let’s look at seven “must-have” elements to make your next event successful. 1. Direct Mail Direct mail remains a powerful marketing tool for event promotion. Use the unique power of print to showcase the event’s speakers, activities,…
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Top Customer Loyalty Factors: How Do You Stack Up?

Do you have loyal customers? Do you even know? According to experts, there are “loyalty behaviors” that, when tracked, can help you understand how loyal your customers are. Once you have the answer, you can develop marketing strategies to improve loyalty where necessary and keep those customer relationships strong.  Here are the five behaviors of…
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Marketing Mistakes Illustration

Want Marketing Success? Don’t Do This!

We all love reading about marketing mistakes as long as they aren’t our own. Not only do these tales make us say, “Whew! Glad that wasn’t me!” But we also learn from them. Here are five real-life mistakes and how the marketers fixed them. Learn from their experience! Tapping into the wrong motivation  One nonprofit…
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5 Surprising Ways to Market with Packaging

If you are selling products on the retail shelf, packaging is one of your most important faces to market. When buyers are making a decision between two products, labels and product packaging can be the deciding factor. When buyers plan to purchase one product, great labels and packaging can entice them to purchase another.  DESIGN…
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Direct Mail: A Better Way to Re-Engage Abandoned Cart Shoppers

Studies show that 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned. Whether you are a corner bakery or the neighborhood auto parts store, this matters—a lot. More and more sales are going online, and you need to convert every cart to a sale. Abandoned carts are not always due to shoppers losing interest. Sometimes they just…
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Avoid the Content Marketing Disconnect

Regardless of the channel you use, relevant content is critical. But for content to be effective, it has to connect with the audience in a way—and at the time—the audience expects. Marketers may understand this intuitively, but how well do they put it into practice? Uberflip, a content delivery platform, recently conducted a survey of…
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