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5 Reasons Online Won’t Replace Print

In a world in which people have already checked their email, logged into Facebook, and responded to a dozen text messages before they drink their first cup of coffee, what is the enduring allure of print? Let’s look at five reasons print marketing remains the anchor of any great multichannel marketing program. 1. Print is…
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Print Production Peers (P3): New Twist on Peer Groups

The concept of joining a printing industry peer group is not for everybody. Some executives are uncomfortable with the thought of sitting down with a group of colleagues and sharing certain information regarding their businesses, particularly financial data. It’s a somewhat progressive concept and, frankly, it may not appeal to execs who have been doing…
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QR Codes and Augmented Reality

Do you offer retail products and haven’t yet incorporated QR Codes into your business model? If you’re still looking for motivation to get on board, this might be it. According to a new study of mobile shoppers, while shopping in the store, the majority (58%) prefer to look up information on their smartphone or tablet…
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5 Steps to Build Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is an important topic among marketers these days. You work hard to gain your customers. Now you need to keep them. Here are five principles of customer loyalty you need to know. 1. Know your customers. This means tying together all the data you have on your customers to get one holistic perspective.…
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Multi-Channel Marketing

We are bombarded with electronic media. Cellphones. iPads. Kindles. Nooks. Facebook. Video streaming. Where does print fit? Right square in the middle. To be effective, marketing needs to be multi-channel. From a consumer perspective, there isn’t print and online media. There is just marketing. As succinctly stated by Lazar Dzamic of Kitcatt Nohr Digitas, a…
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Switching from Static to Personalized Makes Results Soar

With consumers squarely in charge of product research long before they ever contact your company, content marketing is more important than ever. One of the most important forms of content marketing is the customer newsletter—and more and more are moving to personalized editorial. What happens to results if you switch from a general-education newsletter to…
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Boost Response Rates by Providing Choices

Want to boost the results of your next marketing campaign? Give customers a choice in how to respond. You might be thinking, “What do you mean? We provide a phone number or website address. Isn’t that enough?” Not necessarily. Customers have different personalities, different lifestyles, and different preferences. The easier you can make it for…
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BPI: We’re More Than “The Guys That Print My Stuff”

Quick! Define commercial printer. “What? You mean the guy who prints my stuff?” If that was your answer, maybe it’s time you took another look. At one time, the printer was the guy with ink under his nails. He wasn’t the idea man. He was the guy who ran the press. He knew paper. He…
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Storefront Benefits: How Our Web-to-Print Solution Benefits You

Our storefront solution offers our clients a different way to manage their marketing collateral and digital assets. Through a branded browser-based web portal, our customers can monitor the effectiveness of their marketing material, order print-on-demand material and fulfill orders through a real-time inventory system. Some of the many things our Storefront Solution can perform for…
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Dimensional Coating

BPI Media Group offers a special feature on our digital press that can make any printed piece have a 3-D effect. Our Kodak NexPress can give texture to your product to make your direct mail piece, tradeshow handouts or the cover a book jump out from the competition’s material. By simply building a texture with…
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